Paul Marlowe author of historical and science fiction SF
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Etheric Airship
The Etheric Explorers Club
To Seek - To Unveil - To Return Home
"...the purpose of our association is to seek out and reveal the hidden world of the spirit, and much of the matter of our investigations would appear fantastical or outré to the layman. Nevertheless, I believe it to be in the public’s interest to be aware that these phenomena may sometimes intrude upon their experience, and indeed the common man must be prepared for the day when manifestations of the ephemeral world are as commonplace as the locomotive or the breech-loading cannon..." -M. Perkins, F.E.E.C.

Meet the founder of the Etheric Explorers Club in Knights of the Sea.

Or, download and listen to a free radio play of "The Resident Member", set in the Etheric Explorers Club.

Ether Frolics cover Ether Frolics: Nine Tales of the Etheric Explorers Club

A collection of nine steampunk stories drawn from the archives of the Etheric Explorers Club, a Victorian society dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the etheric realm... The visions of a Russian painter in fin-de-siècle Paris... a terrible weapon that almost no-one has survived... a confession within a confession... a crime from antiquity resurfacing beneath the Thames... a desperate search for a lost sister... a contemporary horror entwined with an ancient manuscript... an experiment gone wrong... a lost world which should have remained lost... and a night of dining, death, and romance.

ISBN 9780986497483
Published by Sybertooth Inc. July 2012
172pp Trade paperback
US$9.99 / UK£6.99
/ Can$10.99 / Aus$12.99 / EU€7.99

Previous Etheric Explorers Club Stories
"The Resident Member ", Issue №6, The Willows
"Ten Golden Roosters", Issue №4, The Willows
The Mudmen of Tower Tunnel", Issue №8, Forgotten Worlds
"The Incident at the 27th Meeting" Issue №1, The Willows
"66° South" Issue №2, The Willows
"Ten Golden Roosters", Issue №3, Forgotten Worlds

"A Visit from Prospero," Issue 10, Andromeda Spaceways

The club's Eurhetorian meets every February 29th to discuss popular issues of the day relating to the etheric sciences.
[ Contact Me ] etheric explorers™ Paul Marlowe / website copyright © Paul Marlowe ¤ Graphics © A. Paul - Reproduction Prohibited ¤