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And Now... Here's Max
by Max Ferguson
with a new foreword by Shelagh Rogers
E-Book Available from:
Diesel E-books
Angus & Robertson
£8 UK • $15 US • $15 CAN
Paperback ISBN: 9780981024479
E-book ISBN: 9780986497469
156 pp /
Dec 2009 (PB) Jan 2012 (EB)
Winner of the Leacock Medal for Humour
Now Canadians need no longer wait for the CBC to re-run recordings of Max Ferguson's notorious radio shows (assuming that the tapes have not all been destroyed by court order). A full dose of his lunacy, depravity, and flagrant disregard for CBC management can now be enjoyed at any hour of the day or night simply by reading a copy of And Now. Here's Max, his scandalous memoir of a life in broadcasting at the CBC.
What Leading Citizens Say About
Max Ferguson’s Radio Show!
“…meaningless ravings and tripe, couched in the poorest possible illiterate English, an insult to the intelligence of the Canadian people…”
-MP Douglas Gooderham Ross, denouncing Max Ferguson in the House of Commons
“...undermining our national morals...”
-Robert Thompson, leader of the Social Credit Party of Canada, chiropractor, and former Director of the Imperial Ethiopian Air Force Academy
“A mixture of blasphemy and sacrilege that could only happen in Godless Soviet Russia”
-An Ottawa minister of religion
Order the paperback of
And Now... Here's Max
by Max Ferguson |
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About the Author
Max Ferguson’s 52 years as an announcer on CBC television and radio included such programmes as After Breakfast Breakdown, The Max Ferguson Show, Tabloid, Gazette, Inside From The Outside, 55 North Maple, and Telescope, and earned him many honours: the Order of Canada, the Governor-General’s Performing Arts Award, the John Drainie Award, the Gordon Sinclair Award, the Stephen Leacock Award (for And Now…Here’s Max), three ACTRA awards, and honorary degrees from Dalhousie University, Brock, Waterloo, Western Ontario, and the University of Saskatchewan.
Click here for more about Max Ferguson.